#5OnMyTBR: rainbow covers

5 on my tbr

#5OnMyTBR is a new weekly meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook  and you can learn more about it in her announcement post. It’s a way to talk about the books that are on our TBRs and we still haven’t gotten to! You can find each week’s prompts on here or come up with your own.

Today’s prompt is: rainbow!

(on covers or from covers – I did both)

flower divider

❤️ Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst

💛 After the Eclipse by Fran Dorricott

💚 Taproot: A Story about a Gardener and a Ghost by Keezy Young

💙 Witchmark by C.L. Polk

💜 Black Iris by Elliot Wake


Special mentions with rainbow covers:

flower divider

Do you know any other book with a rainbow on the cover?

9 thoughts on “#5OnMyTBR: rainbow covers

  1. Witchmark!! No better choice for blue in a rainbow about queer books (I hope you like it!)
    One of my favorite covers with a rainbow is When You Get the Chance by Tom Ryan; I’m not sure I want to read it because I’m reading less and less YA contemporary but I love how (gay) that cover looks like.
    Great list!


    1. that sounds so good, i really can’t wait to read it but i WILL wait for such a rainy day!
      ohhh i never noticed how the two covers together make a rainbow, that’s so pretty!

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